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By Chinmay, Grade 9C

In the evolving landscape of technology, coding stands as the support of innovation. Whether you’re a professional developer or just entering into the world of programming. Join me on a journey through lines of code, and discovering the art of problem-solving. Together, let’s get into the world of coding, where creativity meets logic, and possibilities are limited only by our imagination. Welcome to a space where keystrokes shape the future.
Hi I am Chinmay and I am going to tell you about coding.

What is coding?
Coding is the creative process of instructing computers through programming languages. It’s the backbone of software development, empowering individuals to craft applications and digital solutions. In our digital era, coding is a fundamental skill, driving innovation and shaping the technological landscape that defines our interconnected world.

Why is teaching small kids coding good?
Teaching small kids coding is a good process that blends education and play. Using interactive platforms and colourful coding tools transform learning into an engaging adventure. Storytelling becomes a gateway to viewing coding into the world, narratives, learning, coding. Also, let’s improve the creativity.

By introducing coding at an early age, we can empower small kids in problem solving and innovation. Technology is not a tool, but a canvas for the ultimate creativity.

How Can We Teach Kids Coding?
To introduce small kids to coding will require creativity, good interaction and lots of patience. To teach small kids coding start with block based coding apps like scratch, G-Comprise and Pictoblox.

Introduce Coding Concepts through games to make learning enjoyable.
Make them complete their projects in groups to improve their social skills with coding. The learning session should be short and age-appropriate projects.

Here are a few of my paintings:

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